Accueil > Enseignements > Enseignement général et technologique > Langues vivantes > Anglais > 2014-2015 > Liaison collège lycée - Logo competition

Liaison collège lycée - Logo competition

Join our great logo competition !

You are actors, responsible for the settings or the posters, or part of the communication team, you have a hidden talent and you are ready to reveal it. Don’t hesitate for a second, this contest is for you !

We need an original logo in order to represent the topic of Identity. It should help people to recognize our project on the Lycée Jean Monnet website as well as on flyers, posters or other various documents we will have to create all along the project.

That’s why, we need you to draw a logo. It must be returned to us before April 7th (contact : Mrs Deschamps). We need to choose our favourite one before the holidays. Then, once a logo is elected for each class, we will choose the one which best reflects the projet.

But, before being able to use the logo, we really need YOU ! Nothing can be done without your help !
So, take your pen and good luck ! We are counting on you !
The 2nde3
