Accueil > Enseignements > Enseignement général et technologique > Langues vivantes > Anglais > 2014-2015 > What have we been doing in english ? by Claire Capone

What have we been doing in english ? by Claire Capone

To achieve our "liaison collège-lycée" project, our first step consisted in getting familiar with the topic of identity. We studied several documents then we were asked to create a poster for an exhibition about Identity. It was about how we defined Identity, and who, to our minds, we are, what we like, our hobbies, our physical appearance, our inner-self... Once our posters were ready, our teacher hang them on the walls of the classroom. At the end, we commented all posters. Also, we learnt how to describe someone becauseI think the way we look is important as far as identity is concerned.

The second step was to read a short story. Actually, we studied a story to see how we were going to build our own short story. We read The Christmas presents written by O. Henry. After, we started thinking about what we would like our short story to be about. Each group had to do a PowerPoint to present their ideas to the rest of the class. Each group was composed of 4 members. On each slide, we presented our characters, where and when we would like our story to take place and the plot. After that, everybody voted for the short story of they preferred and it wasn’t easy !

We then wrote our own short story. Once the shorts stories were written, we sent them to the school in Orgerus. They had to vote for their favourite one, and the story that they chose would be the short story we would adapt on stage, that is to say the play we will present on May 22nd.

Claire Capone 208
