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Un article en anglais sur le Prix Elle des Lycéennes de Charlotte Dhalluin pour le Journal multi-langues

When reading becomes a very serious subject… !

5 lucky students (only girls) have been participating to the ELLE high school prize for the last two years.
Based on the Elle readers’ prize, created in 1969, this high school contest has been put in place to have a younger vision of literature.
You’re certainly curious to know what it consists in ?
In the high schools involved in the project, the participants have to read 8 books in the year, then write a review for each one and give a final note.
Then the organizers collect the pupils’ reviews to find what book is the most popular.
Last year, Kathryn Stockett, an American writer won the high school prize with her book The Help (La couleur des sentiments), which was also chosen by the Elle’s readers.
According to Mrs Dominois, the students are more involved in the project this year.
Which book will be elected this year ? We will discover that soon…
But to make you wait, we interviewed one of the participants, Sarah, who will tell you her impressions…
First, she appreciates this contest (even if she doesn’t always have a lot of time to read the books) because she likes reading very much and she wants to become a journalist, and, as she said : “it’s a good training for me, it improves my writing and helps me to express my ideas.”
And, about these books… are any interesting ?
For the moment (they haven’t read all the books yet), Sarah said that the results are mixed : she very much likes The Hand That First Held Mine (Cette main qui a pris la mienne), written by Maggie O’Farrell, and she thinks Foster (Les trois lumières), written by Claire Keegan, is weird…
The other participants are Joséphine, Julie, Amandine and Amélie, all in 1L2.
So, are you convinced to participate to the 2013 Elle prize ?

Charlotte Dhalluin
