Accueil > Sections européennes et projets autour de l’Europe et de l’international > Comenius, Erasmus + > 2012-2014 : Different Faces of Discrimination > Germany > Worms


 During our journey in Germany, we visited the city where the school of our pen friendsis.

 Located next to the French border, this city is vell known in Germany because we find one of the three Imperial Cathedrals of this country. Its name is Saint-Pierre Cathedral or Dom. Inside we can see old sculptures representing Daniel in the lion’s den. Outside this cathedral has two differents colours because it was reconstructed after wars.

 In this city, there are a lot of museums about its History. It’s here that Luther lived before his problems with the Catholic church. Moreover the story of protestant reform isillustrated on a monument and we can see the different people who participatedin this.

 After we went to the oldest Jewish cemetery of Germany. Inside we walked next to steles written in Hebrew.

 Besides, when we were in Worms, it was Christmas so we went to the Christmas market. In these markets we could buy a lot of different specialties of Germany like Bretzel, the famous mulled wine...
